Tutor With Dawn

A special place to learn

Monday, March 12, 2018

Age 5 – The Age Of Development

 5 Years Old  – The  Age  Of   Development
By Dawn V.

Is the age of 5 really a special age for children? Do kids began to learn new things or...learn things in a new way? Let’s take a closer look. We already know from age 1-4 children rely on their own imagination. Many studies show clearly when children turn 5 their sense of independence increases significantly. It seems to be the only time in a child's life when they still their imagination, creativity and exploratory independence...all at once. So allow your child, when they turn 5, to be a little more inquisitive, creative by being a little more patient and understanding. Remember this is a very special time in your child’s life. So be supportive as a parent.

What makes 5 the magic number?

Once our children turn 5 Years Old? They seem to become less dependent on mom and seeks to actively become more independent. A lot of this is due to the sudden spike in independence along with the fact that the entire world around them seems to suddenly just open up. Suddenly everything is interesting. They now start to notice other kids their age. They seem to relate more to the realistic world of a 5-Year Old instead of the highly imaginative 4-Year Old’s mentality. Below are some of the most important developments in some of the most critical stages of learning and growing.

Emotional Development
Is very important due to the fact that its the first time a child has a sense of right and wrong. Learns about sharing and taking turns with others.

Physical Development
A 5 year-old child should be able to play with freely with a ball such as bouncing and catching. Should also be able to run, hop, skip jump on his own. Although it may seem strange to see your child hoping around on one foot. Just remember their establishing independence in such a way.

Reading Development
Ironically most 5 year-old s like to be read to. Some may even pretend to read just to fit in. Although they can write some letters and numbers and can match some letters with the sound they make.

Language Development
Sentences began to get longer and more descriptive. Learns the proper name for most common objects. Can count from 1-10 and also knows basic colors and began to develop a sense of humor.

Here's one of the best educational games available: LeapFrogLeapPad Ultimate

These 4 areas are considered the fundamentals of learning and once our children turn 5 we should began to look for such developments within their behavior as well as encourage it. One of the best ways is through educational games, books and toys. Modern technology has made it possible for children to have a fabulous time while also learning. So teach your kids that learning is fun! 


Monday, October 30, 2017

Identifying, diagnosing and overcoming learning disorders in children

Does your child have a learning disorder  

Find out...The sooner the better !

 Have I ever had my child tested for a learning disorder? Should I have my child tested for a learning disability? These are questions all parents should be asking themselves. 

As parents we all need to look more closely into our children's state of learning and answer the question; can my child learn normally in normal educational settings? 

Common Indicators...

Below is a short list of common indicators of Learning Abilities. Some of the common signs and symptoms a child may have a learning disorder include: 
  • Difficulty with reading and/or writing
  • Problems with math skills
  • Difficulty remembering
  • Problems paying attention
  • Trouble following directions
  • Poor coordination
  • Difficulty with concepts related to time
  • Problems staying organized
Children with moderate to severe learning disabilities may in addition also exhibit some of the following as well:
  • Impetuous behavior
  • Inappropriate responses in school or social situations
  • Difficulty staying on task (easily distracted)
  • Difficulty finding the right way to say something
  • Inconsistent school performance
  • Immature way of speaking
  • Difficulty listening well
  • Problems dealing with new things in life
  • Problems understanding words or concepts
These signs alone are not enough to determine that a person has a learning disability. 

A professional assessment is always necessary to properly diagnose a learning disability. Below is one of the best assessments online, and its free! 



Find out now if your child actually has a learning issue that needs attention as opposed to just being shy, confused or mischievous. Give your child a chance. Take a closer look into their "learning mentality" to find out what you can do to place your child. By CLICKING HERE you can instantly access one of the best online test available. It is designed to be taken by the parent and does a great job of identifying the major areas of education. 

If your child does in fact exhibit one or more of the common symptoms listed above. Below is a much more specific list of the 4 most common forms of Learning Disorders.   

Dyslexia           Dysgraphia           Dyscalculia           Dyspraxia

Free Dyslexia Test For Children CLICK HERE!  

Maybe the most known among the 4 as it was for a while confused with other more Neurologically related disorders. 

Children diagnosed with dyslexia usually have trouble making the connections between letters and sounds and with spelling and recognizing words. Signs of the condition may include:
  • Failure to fully understand what others are saying
  • Difficulty organizing written and spoken language
  • Delayed ability to speak
  • Poor self-expression (for example, saying "thing" or "stuff" for words not recalled)
  • Difficulty learning new vocabulary, either through reading or hearing
  • Trouble learning foreign languages
  • Slowness in learning songs and rhymes
  • Slow reading as well as giving up on longer reading tasks
  • Difficulty understanding questions and following directions
  • Poor spelling
  • Difficulty recalling numbers in sequence (for example, telephone numbers and addresses)
  • Trouble distinguishing left from right

    Offer your kids a chance to learn at an early age with the: 
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Dysgraphia is characterized by problems with writing. This disorder may cause a child to be tense and awkward when holding a pen or pencil, even to the extent of contorting his or her body. A child with very poor handwriting that he or she does not outgrow may have dysgraphia. Signs of the condition may include:
A strong dislike of writing and/or drawing
  • Problems with grammar
  • Trouble writing down ideas
  • A quick loss of energy and interest while writing
  • Trouble writing down thoughts in a logical sequence
  • Saying words out loud while writing
  • Leaving words unfinished or omitting them when writing sentences


Signs of this disability include problems understanding basic arithmetic concepts, such as fractions, number lines, and positive and negative numbers. Signs of the condition may include:
  • Difficulty with math-related word problems
  • Trouble making change in cash transactions
  • Messiness in putting math problems on paper
  • Trouble recognizing logical information sequences (for example, steps in math problems)
  • Trouble with understanding the time sequence of events
  • Difficulty with verbally describing math processes


A child with dyspraxia has problems with motor tasks, such as hand-eye coordination, that can interfere with learning. Dyspraxia has some of the more severe symptoms that can be mistaken for bad behavior or simple mischievousness due to age. Signs of the condition include:
  • Problems organizing oneself and one's things
  • Breaking things
  • Trouble with tasks that require hand-eye coordination, such as coloring within the lines, assembling puzzles, and cutting precisely
  • Poor balance
  • Sensitivity to loud and/or repetitive noises, such as the ticking of a clock
  • Sensitivity to touch, including irritation over bothersome-feeling clothing
Lots of children have difficulty reading, writing and other similar task. It does not mean they have a disability (as defined) so proper evaluation is always important. A professional assessment is always necessary especially if there one or more signs being displayed.  

Hopefully the info helped and tune in again next week!   

Thanks For Reading...
Tutor With Dawn 

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Does Tutoring Really Give Your Child An Advantage

 Can Private Tutoring Even The Playing Field...

    Well the numbers have spoken. It seems “Private Tutoring” does help. In more than one way it seems. The most important of course is grade point average or GPA. The research has soundly proved that Tutoring can and often does move a child’s GPA up an entire grade and a half! That is significant difference, especially when it comes time to go to college (on a possible scholarship). In other words it can take a child from a low D- up into a comfortable C+ and possibly even further.

Will there be fewer jobs, occupations, careers in the near future?
    Looking at your child’s future or more importantly into your child’s future...you're looking at a world becoming more and more populated each day. Raising the level of competition in every career-field. You're also looking into a future much more technologically advanced than the present. Which means (like most all technological advances) even more jobs, careers and occupations are going to be replaced by machines and or software.  

So there are questions...
1. Would Tutoring really provide any type of competitive edge to your child?
2. Would Tutoring guarantee your child a sound successful future?

The importance of a “good” Tutor
    Based on countless references, data and research the numbers say Tutoring does improve a child's chances at a few things such as learning the basics of reciprocation while providing priceless one-on-one attention every child needs. Tutoring has been long since proven to be one of the fastest ways of isolating and identifying learning disorders such as Dyslexia. A good Tutor will also teach essential “study skills” that your child can take throughout life which provides a better understanding of almost anything, especially classrooms. With the best Tutors come the best material. Most seasoned tutors are knowledgeable on a variety of alternative teaching methods such as Montessori or The Steiner-Waldorf method. They will in fact offer your child an alternative which leads to an advantage. These methods are fundamentally much less structured and focused more on how your child both learns and retains information. This alone can and will easily expand far beyond the limits of your child’s classroom...and into lesson of life. A lesson your child can use in every arena of life to gain a better understanding and perception on situations as they occur as well, an added bonus...coping skills.
Flexibility and ease the benefits of Online Tutoring
    Maybe one of the most overlooked benefits of Tutoring maybe what makes it such a plausible option, the extreme flexibility and ease online tutoring brings. From the individual Tutors that maintain private websites to the bigger online tutoring agencies such the highly popular site tutorhub. Agencies such as these allow your child to study at their own convenience. What makes this such a benefit is the fact that your child, when receiving “online” Tutoring, can still be a child, meaning they can still play, be active spend time outside discovering new things getting involved in sports and more. And it also eliminates the essential time needed traveling to and from Tutoring, which can have a cumulative effect over time, on your child. Believe it or not there is a significant amount of people in society today that remember a significant amount of their childhood in a car traveling to and from somewhere!
   Focusing in more on “Online Tutoring” we can also look at the “sign of times” literally speaking. By this I mean the chance for your child to use their cell phone, tablet, and or laptop, to connect, to tutor, to use the technology available, something all kids love! Ironically a true sign of a reputable Tutor or agency is in fact a strong online presence. Recently research has discovered yet another way “online tutoring” helps your child, or should I say your shy child. Yes, research has proven soundly that online tutoring is a godsend for shy kids. A perfect way for the shy child to express themselves, while maintaining their anonymity. especially shy children right from the comfort of their own home. 

    So look into your child's future by looking into their present. Find out today if your child could benefit from Private Tutoring. Benefit from all the benefits of “Private Tutoring” now more available than ever.

Always Remember...Learning knows no bounds!!!

Tutor With Dawn

Monday, June 12, 2017

Do You Have A Special Needs Child - Find Out

Special Needs
   Does your child seem overactive in school or at home? There maybe a reason. Your child could be one of the more than 18% of children today with Special Needs. So find out now if your child does in fact have a special need which needs to be addressed.

By Definition  Special Needs - A child deemed to require special attention as well as specific necessities other children don't.
How to tell
   In the fast-paced lightning speed technology-based society we live in today we seldom have little if any time to gain a proper understanding of our children. Unfortunately with the educational systems underfunded more and more each year. Most often what is eliminated are the programs that once diagnosed students making it extremely difficult if not impossible for teachers to provide parents with proper and timely feedback on their children. Which means developmental issues such as Autism often times go unchecked, or worse misdiagnosed as a Disciplinary Issue
    Fortunately we can use the same technology as parents to obtain a proper understanding of our children.With everything we need to know Literally at our fingertips, a quick search and small amount of research could get us all the info we need and more important...solutions. So take the time and use the resources available to learn more about your child and their mental state.

A great YouTube video that does an excellent job of explaining the disorder ADHD.

An Inadequate Education - And The Consequences
   The reason we  need to make sure our kids gain a proper understanding is to obtain a proper education. Which in today's ultra-competitive job market not only means graduating high school but also obtaining some kind of college degree as well. With so much in formation available and just a click away. It seems somewhat necessary to find out the difference in having a college degree as opposed to a high school diploma.  Statistics also do a great job of showing how in times of recession more than twice as many college graduates kept their jobs as opposed to those with less of an education.
   A fast developing trend. Based on statistics regarding college graduates vs non-college graduates unemployment members of the civilian workforce, age of 25 and above more than twice as many college graduates were able to obtain gainful employment as opposed to those with less education. The bottom line is...Give your child a fair shot! 

Special Needs - Assistance Resources
   In the event your child does in fact have a special need don't feel alone. There are dozens if not hundreds of designated agencies and programs that exist just to help. A moderate amount of research yielded an amazing amount of resources in regards to special needs children. I was able to find adequate assistance programs and resources at every level of city, state, county and government. For some good info in general visit the government website Resources On Special Needs. Otherwise a little research in the city and state where you live could yield some promising results. Always understand diagnosis is the first step and that there's always assistance available.

Getting Your Child The Help They Need 
Learn More...CLICK HERE

Amazingly research has shown in most cases children with special needs often time do great job of self-diagnosis as well as coming up with a solution...when left to their own devices. A good way to gain a better diagnosis of your child could be to let them work through this The ADHD Workbook For Kids. The results maybe surprising. So give it a click and find out a little more! It could yield some life-changing results.
Thanks For Reading!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Tutoring - A Good Investment Into Your Child's Future

Tutoring is it a good investment into your child's future?

Tutoring the best way to prepare for college.

With the competition in the job market getting more fierce each year, it is time to take a closer look at your child’s primary education(K-12). Then ask yourself where exactly does your child fit when it comes to today’s standards on education, learning & intelligence? The question itself only leads to one seemingly even more important, what is the true “state” of my child’s intelligence? How smart is my kid? Really!

When it comes to your child’s primary education you have to ask yourself some key questions;
1. Is my child preparing for college or simply trying to finish High School?
2. Is my child gifted?
3. Does my child have a learning disorder?
4. Is my child successfully passing their classes or just getting by?

              The questions should be answered as soon as possible to properly address the issue, if there is one? Although the questions may seem complex, the best way to address them..is by Tutoring. Since Tutoring uniquely places your child in a one-on-one type environment where their true skills and talents can be recognized as (well as any shortcomings).

Question #1
Is my child preparing for college or simply trying to finish high school?”
This questions sits at the top for a reason. Each day more and more statistics prove just how important college is when it comes to employment/jobs/careers. In all the research performed on the subject the 3 biggest factors always seem to be;
1. Salary
2. Career Longevity
3. Certification

Salary – A Big Difference
Current statistics from several sources (see references) show employees with college degrees earn almost twice as much ($1,227.00) per month than employees with high school degrees ($678.00).

Career Longevity – Staying Employed
When it comes to maintaining employment, holding a job college graduates again hold the edge significantly. Statistics show 5 years after graduation college an amazing 82.6% are still employed. While only 67.6% of High School Grads are still employed 5 years after graduation. 


Certification – The Skills To Do The Job
Long before any major corporation hires an employee and pay him hundreds of thousands of dollars. They need to know if they’re qualified properly certified “to do the job”! Are you qualified to operate their multi-dollar equipment? A college degree shows an employee is in fact certified to perform the task at hand. Which in many ways makes a college degree an investment, an investment into a successful career a successful future. 

Could a Tutor make a difference in your child’s education possibly in their future? As a parent now is the time to take a closer look at your child’s “state of education” find how exactly your child is doing in school. More importantly find areas where improvement may be needed. Enlist the help of a tutor only if necessary.

Give your child a fair chance in the 21st Century in the ultra-competitive career field(s) that await them.

Thanks for reading!
Dawn Hitchcock

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Old Fashioned Tutoring vs. Modern Technology

Does old fashioned tutoring still fit in today’s world of modern technology? 

Definitions (defined by “the modern word finder” by Paul D. Hugon)
1. Mentor- A moral or intellectual guide and friend.
2. Tutor – One who teaches or guides another individually in preparation for an examination.

Online Education
The question it seems, when it comes to educating our children is, can we subject them like we’ve done with every else to modern technology? Is the computer screen just as effective as the home tutor, will it replace the classroom altogether? With pretty much anything and everything being being just a click away in today’s ultra techno world. We still have to ask ourselves, can we sit our children in front of a computer screen and expect the same degree of education? The question is an important one since our children’s future’s pretty much depend on it.

          Several reasons exist why someone may need to be home schooled and fortunately over the last decade home tutoring has made significant progress. Due in large to the instant availability of information, again thanks to modern technology. As defined above both mentoring and tutoring have a sense of personality involved. Mentor even goes as far as calling the teacher and student friends. So again I have to ask, can we sit our children in front of computer screen.
          When it comes to our kids education, at least preliminary, can we re-format, digitize, download our kids education, or should we? Ask yourself? Would you allow your child to attend middle school online? Does the relationship between student and teacher still matter? Do teachers/tutors teach students things a computer screen can’t?
           Fortunately home tutoring is becoming more popular as an alternative to the traditional classroom setting. It seems to be the perfect go between as it offers he best of both worlds, the benefit of a tutor with full access to all modern technology has to offer. 


The next question, progressively speaking, would be how will the corporations and companies of the future take an online education?” Will it get the same respect as a traditional university-type education? Will it be considered legitimate in the near future?
           Will the world binding effect of the internet, like most major inventions do, change our perception of education altogether forever? Will technology win out? More importantly are our kids future worth gambling with in such a capacity?


                    The Human Touch

           In closing we have to look back at the most important aspect, the human touch. Will it ever be replaced? There’s a reason we all still remember our teachers names. Its because they mattered. Somehow in some way they made an impression that still last. Somewhere along the way of our educational journey we all have a teacher, that special teacher that we all remember. Teachers/Tutors accept a significant responsibility by teaching growing children things they will benefit from the rest of the their lives. The more we grow it seems, the role of our teachers grows, then the older we get the more we appreciate the lessons our teachers taught us. The human touch does matter...in fact many would say essential. Can we really, in less than a generation abandon hundreds of years “traditional teaching” and sit our children in front of a computer screen?

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Speech Therapy L: Excellent Speech Therapy For All Ages 100% FREE

Direct From Amazon... 

Product Description

"Speech Therapy: L is an all inclusive, FREE speech therapy app designed for both parents and professionals. This app was created by a practicing, speech language pathologist. She understands how much practice is needed for articulation (speech) therapy and parents really have all the power to make the biggest difference. However, parents don't always have access to everything they need. Speech therapy can also be expensive and this is frustrating for everyone!! To reach more families, she made this app for a VERY affordable price so everyone can get learning today."

This app Speech Therapy: L,  is VERY different than any other app on the market made for speech therapy practice at home. 

CLICK HERE for your FREE download now!!!!  

While researching another subject I came across this FREE Application over on Amazon (click the link above to get your won copy FREE!) I found the fact that it was FREE in itself was amazing. After a short review I found it surprisingly to be one of the few Applications I would have paid for! How ironic. 

I would as a Professional Tutor recommend this program to any child with concerns over speech in any way, shape or form. The Application is complete in its approach and also has the videos and tutorials needed to keep the child supported in every way. It goes on to offer may more benefits such as Speech Practice, Speech Cards, Printable Materials and more! 

So be sure and read read below  the  who, what and why of benefits below the Application has to offer. Make sure and take a thorough look to see if it would in fact benefit your child in anyway. An most of all ENJOY!

1. What's Different About This App:

~This app does not have just one game that a child may get bored with quickly
~This app does require that you PLAY with your child
~We give ideas and support as you practice L at home
~We provide all the materials and game ideas you need to be successful

2. Why This Approach?

This app is designed with your child's speech progress and your time in mind! For a child to be able to learn and say a sound correctly, he/she must learn how to say the sound independently and then be able to generalize that ability to everyday speech. Apps that are just full of games where a child simply names a picture is good practice to learn HOW to say a sound; however, it doesn't help them remember to say it correctly as they talk outside the app. There is no carryover. To help solve this problem, we created this app! We explain clearly how to say L, how to teach it to your child, and then how to practice effectively! It will require some 1:1 time with your child but it will be worth it. We promise :)

3. Who should use this app:

~Motivated parents whose children are having difficulty saying L
~Children who are already in speech therapy and need to work on carryover
~Children who have been working on L for a long time!
~Children who don't qualify for speech services for L even though they have trouble saying the sound!
~Speech language pathologist who want word lists, teaching techniques, and flashcards at their fingertips

4. Enjoy!

This app is a supplemental, home program. If you have concerns about your child, we recommend a consultation by a speech language pathologist before beginning any home program.  

Hooked ON Phonics FREE...CLICK HERE!

Thanks for reading! 
Dawn Hitchcock