Tutor With Dawn

A special place to learn

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Does Tutoring Really Give Your Child An Advantage

 Can Private Tutoring Even The Playing Field...

    Well the numbers have spoken. It seems “Private Tutoring” does help. In more than one way it seems. The most important of course is grade point average or GPA. The research has soundly proved that Tutoring can and often does move a child’s GPA up an entire grade and a half! That is significant difference, especially when it comes time to go to college (on a possible scholarship). In other words it can take a child from a low D- up into a comfortable C+ and possibly even further.

Will there be fewer jobs, occupations, careers in the near future?
    Looking at your child’s future or more importantly into your child’s future...you're looking at a world becoming more and more populated each day. Raising the level of competition in every career-field. You're also looking into a future much more technologically advanced than the present. Which means (like most all technological advances) even more jobs, careers and occupations are going to be replaced by machines and or software.  

So there are questions...
1. Would Tutoring really provide any type of competitive edge to your child?
2. Would Tutoring guarantee your child a sound successful future?

The importance of a “good” Tutor
    Based on countless references, data and research the numbers say Tutoring does improve a child's chances at a few things such as learning the basics of reciprocation while providing priceless one-on-one attention every child needs. Tutoring has been long since proven to be one of the fastest ways of isolating and identifying learning disorders such as Dyslexia. A good Tutor will also teach essential “study skills” that your child can take throughout life which provides a better understanding of almost anything, especially classrooms. With the best Tutors come the best material. Most seasoned tutors are knowledgeable on a variety of alternative teaching methods such as Montessori or The Steiner-Waldorf method. They will in fact offer your child an alternative which leads to an advantage. These methods are fundamentally much less structured and focused more on how your child both learns and retains information. This alone can and will easily expand far beyond the limits of your child’s classroom...and into lesson of life. A lesson your child can use in every arena of life to gain a better understanding and perception on situations as they occur as well, an added bonus...coping skills.
Flexibility and ease the benefits of Online Tutoring
    Maybe one of the most overlooked benefits of Tutoring maybe what makes it such a plausible option, the extreme flexibility and ease online tutoring brings. From the individual Tutors that maintain private websites to the bigger online tutoring agencies such the highly popular site tutorhub. Agencies such as these allow your child to study at their own convenience. What makes this such a benefit is the fact that your child, when receiving “online” Tutoring, can still be a child, meaning they can still play, be active spend time outside discovering new things getting involved in sports and more. And it also eliminates the essential time needed traveling to and from Tutoring, which can have a cumulative effect over time, on your child. Believe it or not there is a significant amount of people in society today that remember a significant amount of their childhood in a car traveling to and from somewhere!
   Focusing in more on “Online Tutoring” we can also look at the “sign of times” literally speaking. By this I mean the chance for your child to use their cell phone, tablet, and or laptop, to connect, to tutor, to use the technology available, something all kids love! Ironically a true sign of a reputable Tutor or agency is in fact a strong online presence. Recently research has discovered yet another way “online tutoring” helps your child, or should I say your shy child. Yes, research has proven soundly that online tutoring is a godsend for shy kids. A perfect way for the shy child to express themselves, while maintaining their anonymity. especially shy children right from the comfort of their own home. 

    So look into your child's future by looking into their present. Find out today if your child could benefit from Private Tutoring. Benefit from all the benefits of “Private Tutoring” now more available than ever.

Always Remember...Learning knows no bounds!!!

Tutor With Dawn

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