Tutor With Dawn

A special place to learn

Monday, October 30, 2017

Identifying, diagnosing and overcoming learning disorders in children

Does your child have a learning disorder  

Find out...The sooner the better !

 Have I ever had my child tested for a learning disorder? Should I have my child tested for a learning disability? These are questions all parents should be asking themselves. 

As parents we all need to look more closely into our children's state of learning and answer the question; can my child learn normally in normal educational settings? 

Common Indicators...

Below is a short list of common indicators of Learning Abilities. Some of the common signs and symptoms a child may have a learning disorder include: 
  • Difficulty with reading and/or writing
  • Problems with math skills
  • Difficulty remembering
  • Problems paying attention
  • Trouble following directions
  • Poor coordination
  • Difficulty with concepts related to time
  • Problems staying organized
Children with moderate to severe learning disabilities may in addition also exhibit some of the following as well:
  • Impetuous behavior
  • Inappropriate responses in school or social situations
  • Difficulty staying on task (easily distracted)
  • Difficulty finding the right way to say something
  • Inconsistent school performance
  • Immature way of speaking
  • Difficulty listening well
  • Problems dealing with new things in life
  • Problems understanding words or concepts
These signs alone are not enough to determine that a person has a learning disability. 

A professional assessment is always necessary to properly diagnose a learning disability. Below is one of the best assessments online, and its free! 



Find out now if your child actually has a learning issue that needs attention as opposed to just being shy, confused or mischievous. Give your child a chance. Take a closer look into their "learning mentality" to find out what you can do to place your child. By CLICKING HERE you can instantly access one of the best online test available. It is designed to be taken by the parent and does a great job of identifying the major areas of education. 

If your child does in fact exhibit one or more of the common symptoms listed above. Below is a much more specific list of the 4 most common forms of Learning Disorders.   

Dyslexia           Dysgraphia           Dyscalculia           Dyspraxia

Free Dyslexia Test For Children CLICK HERE!  

Maybe the most known among the 4 as it was for a while confused with other more Neurologically related disorders. 

Children diagnosed with dyslexia usually have trouble making the connections between letters and sounds and with spelling and recognizing words. Signs of the condition may include:
  • Failure to fully understand what others are saying
  • Difficulty organizing written and spoken language
  • Delayed ability to speak
  • Poor self-expression (for example, saying "thing" or "stuff" for words not recalled)
  • Difficulty learning new vocabulary, either through reading or hearing
  • Trouble learning foreign languages
  • Slowness in learning songs and rhymes
  • Slow reading as well as giving up on longer reading tasks
  • Difficulty understanding questions and following directions
  • Poor spelling
  • Difficulty recalling numbers in sequence (for example, telephone numbers and addresses)
  • Trouble distinguishing left from right

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Dysgraphia is characterized by problems with writing. This disorder may cause a child to be tense and awkward when holding a pen or pencil, even to the extent of contorting his or her body. A child with very poor handwriting that he or she does not outgrow may have dysgraphia. Signs of the condition may include:
A strong dislike of writing and/or drawing
  • Problems with grammar
  • Trouble writing down ideas
  • A quick loss of energy and interest while writing
  • Trouble writing down thoughts in a logical sequence
  • Saying words out loud while writing
  • Leaving words unfinished or omitting them when writing sentences


Signs of this disability include problems understanding basic arithmetic concepts, such as fractions, number lines, and positive and negative numbers. Signs of the condition may include:
  • Difficulty with math-related word problems
  • Trouble making change in cash transactions
  • Messiness in putting math problems on paper
  • Trouble recognizing logical information sequences (for example, steps in math problems)
  • Trouble with understanding the time sequence of events
  • Difficulty with verbally describing math processes


A child with dyspraxia has problems with motor tasks, such as hand-eye coordination, that can interfere with learning. Dyspraxia has some of the more severe symptoms that can be mistaken for bad behavior or simple mischievousness due to age. Signs of the condition include:
  • Problems organizing oneself and one's things
  • Breaking things
  • Trouble with tasks that require hand-eye coordination, such as coloring within the lines, assembling puzzles, and cutting precisely
  • Poor balance
  • Sensitivity to loud and/or repetitive noises, such as the ticking of a clock
  • Sensitivity to touch, including irritation over bothersome-feeling clothing
Lots of children have difficulty reading, writing and other similar task. It does not mean they have a disability (as defined) so proper evaluation is always important. A professional assessment is always necessary especially if there one or more signs being displayed.  

Hopefully the info helped and tune in again next week!   

Thanks For Reading...
Tutor With Dawn 

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